What to Know About Our Policies
The following are the general guidelines and policies for the activities and programs provided by Bedford Community and Adult Education.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.

Our Account Profile Help Sheet has further instructions if you need help.
Full payment must be received with your completed registration form by the registration deadline.
Payment can be made by Cash, Check, Money Order and online payments can be made by Credit Card and ACH.
All checks must be made payable to: BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
Online registrations are encouraged. Registrations are NOT accepted through the schools!
Completed registration forms and payment can be mailed to:
Bedford Public Schools
Community Education Department
1135 Smith Road
Temperance, MI 48182
Please allow 5 days prior to class deadline for mail delivery.

1) Registrations are on a first-come, first-serve basis, and Bedford residents are given preference over non-residents.
2) You will not receive confirmation of class registration unless an email address is provided during registration. All registrants should plan to attend the first class as scheduled in the brochure unless contacted by our office.
3) You will only be contacted by our office if the time, day, or location of a class is changed, or if a class is canceled.
4) Classes will be canceled if the minimum enrollment is not met by the deadline. Please register early!
5) A $5.00 child care fee will be charged for each 10 minutes after a class or practice ends that the child is not picked up.
6) One day class registrations must be paid by money order or cash if registering after the registration deadline.
7) Special Event Tickets are nonrefundable, except in the case of the event being canceled by Community Education.

Refunds will only be issued if requested 3 business days prior to the start of a class or league.
Refunds requested less than 3 business days, but prior to the second class or practice will be 50% of the registration fee.
No refunds will be issued after the second class or specified date.
No refunds will be issued after classes/activities/events have begun regardless of attendance.
No refunds will be issued for Special Events.
A full refund will be issued if a class is canceled by Bedford Adult or Community Education.
Please see the Driver's Education page for the Driver's Education refund policy. A separate refund policy is provided with registration.
Requests for refunds must be made directly to the Adult or Community Education Office. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a refund check to be processed.
If cancelled before a class begins: a $10 cancellation fee (per enrollee/per student) is charged for classes $50 and under or a 10% cancellation fee is charged for classes/activities over $50.

Weather Cancellations
When Bedford Public Schools are closed due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, all Youth Community Education classes (including practices and events) will also be cancelled. Adult evening activities and Karate will be determined by 3 pm and will be posted on Facebook.
When school is canceled due to weather, Driver's Education classroom times are also canceled. Make-up classes will be scheduled and announced by the instructor in class. Drive times are at the discretion of the driver and may/may not be affected.
All Cancellations will be broadcast on local TV stations & our Community Education Facebook page.
Bedford Community Education may take photos of participants enrolled in programs and activities. These photos are for department use only and may be used in future brochures, flyers or displays.

No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any program, activity, or event available on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, creed, political belief, national origin, linguistic and language differences, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, height, weight, marital or familial status or disability.
For inquiries, contact:
Ms. Nancy Crandell, Director
[email protected]