
Facilities Department

8486 Douglas Road, Temperance, MI 48182
Phone: 734-850-6061, Fax: 734-850-6097

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Tom Martin, Phone: 734-850-6060

FACILITIES SECRETARY: Amy Mohr, Phone: 734-850-6061

Bedford High School - Tammy Gangway
Bedford Junior High School - Mike Messenger
Douglas Road Elementary - Gene Hoffman
Jackman Road Elementary - Juliana Kerthi
Monroe Road Elementary - Carrie Duffield
Smith Road Elementary - Robin Alcock
Utility - Nick West, Patrick O'Leary

Electrician - Chris Ray
Maintenance Technician - David Ray
HVAC/R Technician - Patrick Ray
Warehouse/General Maintenance - Sarah Adams 



To protect Michigan children from exposure to lead in drinking water, the Clean Drinking Water Access Act, 2023 PA 154, and amendments to the Child Care Organizations Act, 1973 PA 116, collectively also known as Filter First, were signed into law by Governor Gretchen Whitmer with an effective date of October 24, 2023. These laws require schools and child care centers in Michigan to develop a Drinking Water Management Plan (DWMP), install lead reducing filters on all consumptive fixtures, and test filtered water. Until exhausted, funding will be available for a one-time acquisition/installation of filtered bottle fill water coolers, point of use faucet filters, and certain maintenance and sampling costs.


  • Schools and child care centers complete a Drinking Water Management Plan by January 24, 2025.
  • Child care centers ensure that any water furnished to children is from a filtered source by October 24, 2025.
  • Schools have approved filters on all consumptive fixtures by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
  • Schools and child care centers begin ongoing sampling and certify compliance with requirements once filters are installed. Schools must sample annually, and child care centers must sample every two years.

Monroe Road Elementary
Jackman Road Elementary
Douglas Road Elementary
Smith Road Elementary
Bedford Junior High School
Bedford Senior High School


This notice is to inform you, as required by the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), that the documentation for our District Asbestos Management Plan, the semiannual surveillance inspections, and the three-year re-inspection are available for your review in each building's principal's office. Information regarding response actions may also be found in the District Asbestos Management Plan. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tom Martin.


pesticide alert with no circle and silhouette of bug and weed and exclamation point and silhoutte of The Bedford Public Schools Facilities Department will treat outdoor areas (weather permitting) throughout the months of April - September.

The areas to be treated will be announced at least 48 hours in advance on the District website using this Notice of Pesticide Application Link and the main entrance to the facility being treated.

The notice document and postings details dates, times, area to be treated, the target pest, the product to be used, the applicator, and reentry guidelines of any scheduled pesticide applications. (e.g.: main turnstile gate at the community stadium for applications within the facility) Signage will remain in place for the appropriate reentry period specified on the label of the product used. (e.g.: 4 hour reentry period for dry time of product Pronto. Last application time at stadium 10:30 am, reentry is 2:30 pm for entire stadium)

Records of the treatments will be available in the main office within 48 hours of completion of each inspection, application of pesticide or service call. IPM Records are available for review anytime, and are located in the main office.


Bedford Public Schools utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to control pests. IPM is a pest management system that utilizes multiple techniques to prevent pests from reaching unacceptable levels or to reduce an existing population to an acceptable level. Pest management techniques emphasize pest exclusion and biological controls. However, as with most pest control programs, pesticides may also be utilized at our facility.

This notice has been provided in compliance with MCL324.8316 and must be provided within 30 days of the beginning of the school year. We are also required to notify you of your right to review the IPM Plan and IPM records. An IPM plan and records are required for pesticide applications inside the school, exclusive of sanitizer, disinfectant, germicide, and anti-microbial applications.

You also have the right to be informed prior to any application of a pesticide in or at the school grounds or buildings during this school year, with the exception of bait, gel, sanitizer, disinfectant, germicide, and anti-microbial applications. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice to prevent injury to students, but you will be notified following any such application.

At least 48 hours before an application, advance notification will be given by

1) posting at primary entrance to the facility and
2) posting on district's website

Advance notification signs will be posted at the following commonly used entrances, include but not limited to:
-- Front of individual school/building where pesticide will be applied
-- Entrance of sport field that will be applied

The following individual is responsible for pesticide application procedures:
Name: Tom Martin; Phone: 734-850-6060; Email: [email protected]

In addition to the above methods of notice, the parent/guardian is entitled to receive the notice by first-class US mail postmarked at least 3 days before the application. If you need prior notification, please complete the Prior Notification Request Form and mail to:

IPM Program, Bedford Public Schools, 8486 Douglas Road, Temperance, MI 48182


In addition, if you have any general questions or concerns about pesticides, you may also contact the following toll free number for the National Pesticide Information Center, a cooperative effort between Oregon State University and the United States Environmental Protection Agency: 1-800-858-7378. For additional; information pertaining to pesticide use, you can contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). The MDARD's website is www.michigan.gov/mdard and a contact phone number for MDARD is 800-292-3939.

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