Bedford Public Schools Closed February 6, 2025 



First mobile food pantries of 2025

Mobile Food Pantry Schedule


Monroe County champion 

Water with a picture of Aaron M. Monroe County Champion 

High School sends 14 to Owens Art Show

Owens Community College hosts their annual "Passages" juried art show of just 100 works where 14 Bedford students had 16 pieces juried in.

Passages Art Show Flyer Owens Community College Jan.31st-March 21st.



extreme weather - Superintendent Communication

  Dr. Shultz would like to share communication on pending weather, appropriate preparations, and what goes into the district's decision-making process regarding operations.

PDF for Extreme Temperatures


Health van drivers needed

We are looking for part-time drivers who can serve their community by becoming a Health Van Driver.

Drivers for Bedford Health Van Needed 850-6045

quarter 1 Above and Beyond Award Winner

Brenda Whitlock holding above and beyond reward

bps logo with large B and Bedford Public Schools in circle

2024-25 Transportation Information

Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, Bedford Public Schools now requires all parents/guardians to complete a Transportation Request Form for each child indicating YES / NO for your transportation needs. Students will not be routed onto a bus run until this form has been completed.

In order for you to complete the Transportation Request Form, you must have an active Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. When you are logged in to your parent portal you will see the “documents need action” on the home page. After answering all questions, please scroll down to the signature page and sign electronically and choose submit on the bottom left.
After this form has been submitted, all changes must be made through the parent app on My Ride K-12.
If you require further information about the Transportation Request Form or need an alternative, please call the Transportation Department at 734-850-6070 or utilize the My Ride K-12 app.
If you require further assistance with creating a Parent Portal account, please call the Help Desk at 734-850-6095.

Board of Education Meeting, gavelBedford Public Schools Board of Education Meetings

Board of Education Meeting Schedule

The public is welcome to attend and opportunities for public commentary will be offered as part of the meeting agenda. This meeting will be streamed live on our Bedford Public Schools YouTube ChannelAll previously streamed meetings are also available to view on YouTube under the "Live" tab.

School Grounds are Closed During School HoursNEW SIGNAGE AROUND THE DISTRICT

You may notice some new signs being installed around our district. These new signs are meant to reinforce to district visitors that our grounds and facilities are closed to the general public when school is in session. This is not a new policy (9150 - SCHOOL VISITORS), however, we are stepping up our enforcement of these rules to help ensure the safety of students and staff. Anyone that has school related business during published school hours, is welcome to enter through each building's main entrance and check in as a visitor.

This same School Visitor Policy also addresses animals on our school grounds: “Except as set forth in District policy, canines brought on the premises by law enforcement personnel for law enforcement purposes, or in the case of "service animals" required for use by a person with a disability, no other animals may be on school premises at any time.”


pesticide alert with silhouette of bug and weed  The Bedford Public Schools Facilities Department will treat outdoor areas (weather permitting) throughout the months of April - September. The areas to be treated will be announced at least 48 hours in advance on the District website using this Notice of Pesticide Application Link and the main entrance to the facility being treated. The notice document and postings details dates, times, area to be treated, the target pest, the product to be used, the applicator, and reentry guidelines of any scheduled pesticide applications.


Bedford Public School District is proud to offer a high quality education to the residents of Bedford Township, Michigan!

OUR MISSION: All learners will be prepared for lifelong success through:

  • High quality instruction
  • Diverse experiences
  • A supportive environment
  • Strong community engagement.

OUR VISION: Educating for Life!  

Bedford Public Schools continues a tradition of educational excellence that starts with early childhood education in our award winning Great Start Readiness Preschool (GSRP) program. Our three elementary schools: Douglas Road Elementary, Jackman Road Elementary, and Monroe Road Elementary, provide an excellent foundation for students to grow from Young Fives to Grade 5. Bedford Junior High School offers a softer transition from the elementary atmosphere with a school-within-a-school for 6th graders before moving to more independent learning and students switching classes for grades 7 and 8 in preparation for high school. The many academic options available at Bedford High School, along with our Bedford Virtual Academy, means every student can thrive with classes based on their interests or potential choice of college studies or career path. Our Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses teaches real world, hands-on skills in 13 different career pathways. A wide variety of courses, a strong visual and performing arts program, competitive athletics, and extracurricular opportunities all contribute to a well-rounded education for our graduates. Many graduates leave with college credits and/or industry recognized certifications. Lifelong learning continues beyond high school and graduation with our Adult Education programs and other enrichment options in our outstanding Community Education program. 

Bedford Public Schools has an enrollment of over 4,000 students that routinely exceed state averages in assessments such as the M-STEP, MME and SAT thanks to the efforts of our dedicated staff, the hard work of our students, and the support of parents and our community. We are proud to be the Kicking Mules!



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