MRE Principal Moving to BPS Administration

District Seeking Input To Guide Selection of New Principal
Posted on 05/11/2023

Our longtime Monroe Road Elementary School principal, Mr. Alex Chapman, has accepted a district level administrative opportunity to serve as the Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations for Bedford Public Schools. Our current Executive Director, Mr. Howard Schwager, will be retiring after 13 years of leading the HR/LR Department. 

The Bedford Public Schools administrative team is seeking input from our school community regarding the selection of the next principal for Monroe Road Elementary. If you are a Monroe Road Elementary student, parent, staff member, or community partner, please complete this short STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK SURVEY to help us better understand the leadership qualities that are important to you. We will accept surveys through Friday, May 26th.


Dear MRE Students, Staff, and Families,

It is with a heavy heart and a sense of accomplishment that I announce my departure from my role as the principal of Monroe Road Elementary. After leading MRE for the past ten years, it is time for me to embark on a new journey as a district level administrator. I will officially become the Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations for Bedford Public Schools on July 1, 2023. I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation and bid you farewell.

First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for entrusting me with the responsibility of leading this amazing school. I have had the privilege of witnessing the growth of our children, not only as students but also as individuals. It has been my honor to walk through the hallways, observe classrooms buzzing with excitement, and experience the curiosity and eagerness in the eyes of our students. Together, we have created a safe and inclusive space where every child feels valued, encouraged, and inspired to reach their full potential.

The successes we have achieved as a team are a testament to the collaborative spirit that exists within the school community at MRE. From the dedicated teachers and staff members, to the active PTO and supportive families, we have worked hand in hand to create an environment that fosters both academic excellence and personal growth. The memories we have shared, the challenges we have overcome, and the milestones we have celebrated will forever hold a special place in my heart.

While change can sometimes be unsettling, it also brings new opportunities for growth and fresh perspectives. Please be assured that Bedford Public Schools will conduct a thorough process to find the best fit to serve as the next principal of MRE.

As a stakeholder, we greatly value your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. We hope you will consider assisting in the process to find our next principal by completing the following Stakeholder Feedback Survey:

As I step aside, I have full confidence in the school's continued success under the guidance of my successor and the ongoing support of this remarkable school community. With your involvement, the school will continue to thrive and nurture the minds and hearts of our students.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support, trust, and partnership. It has been an absolute privilege to serve as your principal. I will forever cherish the memories we have created.


Alex Chapman
Proud Principal
Monroe Road Elementary

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