Bedford Public Schools is excited to start registering the newest members of the Bedford family for the next school year: the Class of 2034!
Our Kindergarten Registration Expo will run a bit differently this year due to COVID safety protocols. We have set up 2 dates in April (details below). We are limiting attendance to only one parent/guardian and no children. We will send home a swag bag to share with your newly registered Kindergarten student.
Masks must also be worn at all times and social distancing practiced.
The school principal and Kindergarten teachers will also be available at this event to answer questions about the Kindergarten program in their schools.
Time slots for each specific school:
(Please park behind the school and enter through the rear doors.)
APRIL 17th
9:00 am-12:00pm: For Monroe Road Elementary Students
12:00pm-3:00 pm: For Jackman Road Elementary Students
APRIL 24th
9:00 am - Noon: For Douglas Road Elementary Students
Noon - 2:00 pm: Open Registration for Kindergarten
Students at any Bedford elementary school
AGE REQUIREMENT: A child must be five years of age on or before SEPTEMBER 1, 2021
ALL DAY YOUNG FIVES PROGRAM: A full day program is available for children with a birthdate between September 1- December 1, 2021. If the number of registered students exceeds the spots available, the youngest students will be offered a place first. A Waiver Request Form must be filled out for any student with a birthdate between September 1st and December 1st.
Please bring ALL of the below items with you:
- COMPLETED Bedford Public Schools Registration Form
(Available online on our "Register a New Student" page or pick up at any school or at the Administration Building)
Proof of Residency* which must include:
- Proof of homeownership (Property tax, deed) or rental/lease agreement
- Current utility bill (water, gas, electric) or homeowner’s insurance policy
- Valid Michigan Driver’s License or Michigan State ID with current Bedford address
- Certified Birth Certificate **
- Accurate Immunization Records
- Hearing & Vision Screening Records (This is due 8/31/2021 and is not necessary for these April Kindergarten Expo dates.)
- Custody/Guardianship Papers (if applicable)
* If you are a parent/guardian and not residing in a residence in which you are the homeowner, you must complete a residency affidavit. Both the homeowner and the parent/guardian will complete and sign the affidavit, which must be notarized. A notary will be available at Kindergarten Registration. Reminder, both the homeowner and the parent/guardian must be present to sign the affidavit. IDs must also be provided.
** If parent’s name is different than what is listed on the child’s birth certificate, additional documentation will be required. Please call 734-850-6028 for more information.
If you are unsure which school your child will attend, please refer to the District Map or call the Office of Instruction & Student Services at 734-850-6028.
You may also call any of the elementary school offices with any questions as well:
Douglas Road Elementary: 734-850-6700
Jackman Road Elementary: 734-850-6600
Monroe Road Elementary: 734-850-6800
(Note for current Young Fives and Kindergarten Students: You do not need to re-register for 1st grade/Kindergarten for next year as long as all of your original registration information has not changed. You are enrolled as a Bedford Public School student and we will automatically place your child in a class for the next school year.)