Dr Shultz March 10th Update

Suspension of In-Person Learning at BJHS & BHS
Posted on 03/10/2021
Update from the Superintendent, Dr. Carl Shultz




March 10, 2021 

Dear BPS Parents/Guardians,

Bedford Public Schools leadership and staff have remained vigilant in our pursuit to maintain  in-person learning options for students across all district grade-levels. This endeavor has been  challenging for all members of our BPS family. Unfortunately, due to a significant increase in  confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and subsequent quarantining at Bedford High School and  Bedford Junior High School, both buildings will be temporarily suspending in-person learning  effective immediately. This transition to a full-virtual model for BHS and BJHS will be in place  through March 19, 2021 (seven school days total) with students returning to in-person learning  beginning on Monday, March 22, 2021. All elementary buildings will remain in their current  model as the vast majority of positive cases over the previous seven days have been reported  at the secondary campus. Overall, Bedford Public Schools has received 22 new confirmed  COVID-19 cases in the past ten days. This includes ten new cases at Bedford High School  alone over the previous 24 hours. In addition to the positive cases, there are now over two  hundred students currently on a state mandatory ten-day close contact quarantine between  BHS/BJHS. In consultation with the Monroe County Health Department, the decision to  transition the secondary buildings based on current and trending data is a necessity to help slow  down the spread and reduce the overall impact on our district and community as a whole.  Several other communities within Monroe County have faced the same decision over the  previous week. It is our sincere hope that this countywide spike in positive cases is an anomaly  and not an indication of a prolonged increase. 

As with any transition, there will be many extended decisions that will need to be made over the  next few days regarding this brief change in learning model. Academic program-related  information such as class schedules will be shared through individual school building principals.  Extra-curricular programs and events will be made on a case-by-case decision and will be  facilitated by the individual program directors/leaders. The district will maintain as many of these  programs as possible while learning remotely in an attempt to provide outlets for students when  safe, feasible, and appropriate. District Food Service will be transitioning to a pick-up service  model similar to how it operated during the fall closure for secondary students and families.  Meals will be available for pick-up at Bedford Senior High School between 1:30-3:00 pm on  Thursday 3/11, Monday 3/15, and Thursday 3/18. These details, along with more information,  will be shared with all families via the district website. 


Finally, as BPS and MCHD leadership have worked to conduct contact tracing protocols per  State of Michigan Guidelines it has become more evident than ever that in order to maintain a  safe and successful in-person learning model we need to work together as a community. The  following bullet points are being shared once again in an attempt to provide reminders for all  district families: 

  • If your child has any of the symptoms described in the district-provided COVID-19 screener  which is available on our website, he/she must be kept at home until proper medical diagnosis  and testing is complete 
  • If a family member has any COVID-19 related symptoms and is awaiting test results, your child  should remain at home until a negative test result is received (even if he/she is not exhibiting  symptoms they would be close contacts) 
  • If your child is identified as a close contact and quarantined by BPS or MDHS, he/she should  remain as secluded as possible within your home and not attend any school sponsored or  community related events (this is the number one identified factor in our current cases).  Students participating in out of district events and activities while on quarantine has led to a  large number of positive cases across the region. Please remember that a close contact can  become ill for up to ten-days from the start of their quarantine due to the latency period of the virus. 

Additional COVID-19 related information can be found on the BPS district website. If you have any questions regarding symptoms or the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit the Monroe County Health Department website or contact them directly at (734) 240-7860. 


Dr. Carl Shultz

Superintendent, Bedford Public Schools


Meals will be available for pick-up at Bedford High School between 1:30-3:00 pm on Monday, March 15th as well as the regularly scheduled Thursdays (3/11 and 3/18) during the temporary junior high and high school suspension of in-person learning. 
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