Last night, Bedford’s Board of Education interviewed 8 candidates to fill a vacant position on the board. Following the interview, one name came up over and over again as the board members were polled on their top 2 picks. With a unanimous vote, Arlene Tucker was appointed to fill the open spot and will join the board for her first meeting at the Committee of the Whole meeting on October 28th.
Mrs. Tucker brings a wealth of educational experience with her. She is now retired after a lengthy career that spanned from the classroom to building administration and included curriculum and grant writing experience. Her children and even grandchildren are now Bedford alumni with 3 more grandchildren still to graduate as proud Kicking Mules.
She looks forward to “maintaining open and transparent connections with [her] district colleagues and the students, families, and community that we serve.”
Mrs. Tucker will be filling the seat vacated following the resignation of Mr. Bruning from the Board. She will be finishing out his term that will be expiring on December 31, 2022.
We would like to thank all of the candidates that expressed interest in the position for taking the time to go through the application process and encourage all of them to remain involved and consider participating in the next election.
We would also like to thank Mr. Bruning for the many hours of service he provided during his time as a board member.