Dr. Shultz November 15th Update

Athletic & Extra Curricular Events Suspended
Posted on 11/16/2020
Dr. Shultz Superintendent UpdateNovember 15, 2020
Dear BPS Parents/Guardians,

This evening Governor Whitmer announced that in response to the escalating number of positive COVID-19 cases across our state, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has issued a new Epidemic Order that has suspended all in-person learning for students in grades 9-12. The order calls for school districts to work directly with local health departments to make determinations locally regarding in-person learning for students in Pre-K through 8th grade. In addition, the order immediately suspends all athletic and extra-curricular events at all levels. This order will remain in effect until Tuesday, December 8, 2020.

As you are already aware, Bedford Public Schools has suspended all in-person learning programs Pre-K through 12th grade due to the number of local cases and the impact on our district’s ability to staff programs. Therefore, this new MDHHS Order has very little effect on our learning programs. However, the order does immediately pause all student athletic and extra-curricular events through its duration. District coaches and program coordinators will be sending out additional information within the next day or two for students and parents. Our district food service program will continue as scheduled with pick-up service available on Monday and Thursday at designated locations. Our MRE Latchkey program will also continue as long as we are able to staff the program adequately.

The order has additional mandates included that are outside of the K-12 educational setting. Restaurants and taverns will be closed for inside service and other businesses will have to suspend operation during this order. BPS and our students rely a great deal on these local business owners by asking for their constant support throughout the school year for fundraising, donations, and marketing opportunities. I can only speak on behalf of myself and my family when I ask that all community members do whatever you can to support these local restaurants and businesses throughout this time. Please consider purchasing gift cards, ordering carry-out, scheduling banquets for future events, purchasing clothing items representing their locations, and any other ideas you may have that will help carry these businesses through this challenging time. We all need one another more than ever if Bedford is going to emerge from this pandemic as strong as we entered it. 

You can find additional information regarding the programs and businesses affected within this new MDHHS Order by clicking this link MDHHS Info Graphic. Thank you and be healthy and safe.

Dr. Carl Shultz
Superintendent, Bedford Public Schools
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