BPS Families,
This afternoon, BJHS administration was contacted by a concerned student that noticed a current student's social media post regarding school violence. District and building administration immediately started an investigation. Monroe County Sheriff Deputies assisted in this process. Based on facts uncovered during the investigation, it was quickly determined that no BJHS students (or any other BPS students) were in danger as a result of the post. The full investigation included Monroe County Deputies, district administration, and the poster's parents. It was this investigation that led to the decision that there was no need for a lock-down or alternate security procedures.
BPS leadership will continue to investigate all reported concerns and act accordingly based on our findings. As a parent, I understand the urgency of wanting immediate notification and information regarding concerns within the school. The first step of this process for district leadership is to ensure that we are confident in the necessary response to ensure student and staff safety. Once this process is complete, we can then begin the multiple layers of communication associated with a particular situation. I am very sorry for our students, parents, and staff members for having to shoulder the burden of wondering if there might be a danger associated with being in schools, shopping malls, movie theatres, etc. I wish that I could take that away for all of us. Unfortunately, that is not something that myself or any other person can do. However, I can state with confidence that BPS has not received any type of credible threats today. As stated previously, all communications have been appreciated and fully investigated. Please know that if ever there is a time when I am not confident in our abilities or understanding of an event, we will take immediate and effective responsive procedures. The attached letter was shared this afternoon by the Monroe County Prosecutor. Having a unified approach between parents, district, law enforcement, and the prosecutor's office is the best tool that we can use to deter and react to these types of incidents and copycat threats. I appreciate everyone's teamwork.
I truly hope that we can all find peace this weekend and that we can move forward with a calmer week starting Monday.
Dr. Carl Shultz