School Info


We envision a school where:

All community members, parents, students, and teachers (stakeholders) are mutually respectful, responsible, and cooperative. Parents and staff work together with the purpose of helping students become productive members of society. Students are a part of a safe and nurturing learning community where they will all become independent learners. Students, parents, and staff will build and maintain personal connections that are strengthened and nourished through supportive interactions. Instruction will incorporate a variety of mediums including technology to accommodate different styles of learning. Research-based assessments and individualized instruction provide meaningful, and engaging lessons and interventions to assure all students succeed. Students are given opportunities to reflect and choose learning activities based on personal interests.

Staff and students are encouraged to be ecologically responsible.


Phone: 734-850-6700

School Hours:

Classes begin at 8:30 a.m.
Classes dismiss at 3:30 p.m.

Half Day Hours:
8:30 am - 11:30 am
8:30 am - Noon


To Report a School Absence:
You must call 850-6720...

... when your child is ill or will not be in school for any other reason. We worry when your child has not arrived at school. Our health aide will record the absence. When your child returns to school after any absence, it is necessary that a note be sent to the teacher explaining why the child was absent. Requests for homework can be called in to the Health Room.

Visitors of DRE Must:

  • Use the front entrance

  • Present ID, sign in at the front office and obtain a name badge.

  • Parents must sign students out in our main office and remain there until the student reports to the office for departure with his/her parent.

  • Parents should not go down to classroom unless scheduled to volunteer.

Thank you for keeping our students safe!

Safety Policy:

We are all concerned with the safety of our children. At Douglas Road we have had a safety policy in effect for several years. Every year we revisit the policy and make necessary changes. We welcome your comments about our policy, which is described below.

Visiting our School:

School begins at 8:30 a.m. and dismissal is at 3:30 p.m. The front door will be open each day for our visitors, but the rest of the doors will be locked from the outside at 8:30. Students and staff are not locked in as the doors can be opened from within.

Every adult who enters the school must present an ID, sign in at the office, and obtain a name badge. That will help us be aware of who is in the building. Our staff will expect all visitors to have a name badge.

Appointments During the School Day:

We ask that you not pick up students before 3:30 p.m. We know that sometimes appointments must be made during the day. When that is the case, the parent or guardians must report to the office and someone will call your child to the office to meet you. Children must remain in their rooms until the adult signs in at the office. Many times in the past children have left their rooms only to wait for someone in the office for twenty minutes or more. That is an additional loss of class time.

Dropping Off Items for Students:

If a parent is dropping off a lunch, musical instrument, etc., the item should be brought to the office and the student will be called down to retrieve it. Parents delivering items directly to the room is very disruptive to class time.

Change of Dismissal Instructions:

Parents/guardians may not change dismissal plans by telephone. If you wish to change instructions for your child's dismissal you must provide us with a signed request, or come into our office in person. Requests by phone may compromise the safety of the student since we have no way of seeing the person on the other end of the telephone line. Also, even if we know you, the number of requests we receive in a day put undue stress and responsibility on the shoulders of our office personnel. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, we must consider the security of our students when relaying messages.

Drop Off and Pick Up of Students:

Parents who will be dropping off students before school or picking up students at the end of the school day should review the following instructions. This will ensure the safety of our students and staff. All drivers are expected to follow the instructions of the attending staff for the safety of all.

Traffic Flow Instructions for Drop Off and Pick Up

We appreciate your support of these policies. Your are always welcome in our school, and we need your help. We want your children in a safe and happy learning environment.


Please review the Arrival/Dismissal Traffic Flow Map to help things flow smoothly from Day 1! 

Latchkey is available before and after school. You can learn more on the Latchkey website or by calling 734-850-6004 to speak with Latchkey Director, Amber Brushaber.

Parents can drop off any medication that will be given at school in the health room. A Medication Authorization Form, signed by a physician, must accompany the medication. This includes many common over-the-counter medications, such as cough drops.

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